Volume Preserving Viscoelastic Fluids with Large Deformations Using Position-based Velocity Corrections

Tetsuya Takahashia,b Yoshinori Dobashic,a Issei Fujishirob Tomoyuki Nishitaa,d

aUEI Research, Japan
bKeio University, Japan
cHokkaido University, Japan
dHiroshima Shudo University, Japan


We propose a particle-based hybrid method for simulating volume preserving viscoelastic fluids with large deformations. Our method combines Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Position-based Dynamics (PBD) to approximate the dynamics of viscoelastic fluids. While preserving their volumes using SPH, we exploit an idea of PBD and correct particle velocities for viscoelastic effects not to negatively affect volume preservation of materials. To correct particle velocities and simulate viscoelastic fluids, we use connections between particles which are adaptively generated and deleted based on the positional relations of the particles. Additionally, we weaken the effect of velocity corrections to address plastic deformations of materials. For one-way and two-way fluid-solid coupling, we incorporate solid boundary particles into our algorithm. Several examples demonstrate that our hybrid method can sufficiently preserve fluid volumes and robustly and plausibly generate a variety of viscoelastic behaviors, such as splitting and merging, large deformations, and Barus effect.


Volume Preserving Viscoelastic Fluids with Large Deformations Using Position-based Velocity Corrections

The Visual Computer, 2014.

Tetsuya Takahashi, Yoshinori Dobashi, Issei Fujishiro, and Tomoyuki Nishita

[Paper] (pdf, 17.9 MB)
[Video] (mp4, 21.7 MB)