Post doctoral researcher, under the supervision of Prof. Tomoyuki Nishita 2012 -
Email: witawat (at)
- Computer Graphics Lab.,
- Department of Complexity Science and Engineering,
- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,
- The University of Tokyo
International journals
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Tomoyuki Nishita: “Wetting Effects in Hair Simulation”, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2012), pp., Vol. 31, No. 7, 2012. [PDF][more…]
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Napaporn Metaaphanon, Yosuke Bando, Bing-Yu Chen, Tomoyuki Nishita: "Animating Strings with Twisting, Tearing and Flicking Effects", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, pp.113-124, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2012. [PDF][VIDEO][more…]
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Tomoyuki Nishita: "Chain Shape Matching for Simulating Complex Hairstyles”, Computer Graphics Forum, pp. 2438-2446, Vol. 29, No. 8, 2010-12. [PDF][VIDEO][more…]
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Zoltan Szego, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Tomoyuki Nishita: "Real-time Animation of Sand-Water Interaction”, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2008), pp.1887-1893, Vol. 27, No. 7, 2008. [PDF][VIDEO][more…]
International conferences
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Napaporn Metaaphanon, Yosuke Bando, Bing-Yu Chen, Tomoyuki Nishita: "Twisting, Tearing and Flicking Effects in String Animations," In Proc. of Motion in Games 2011 (LNCS7060), pp.192-203, 2011-11. (Best Paper Award) [PDF][VIDEO][more…]
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Tomoyuki Nishita: "Elastic Rod Simulation by Chain Shape Matching with Twisting Effect," SIGGRAPH Asia sketch, 2010.
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Tomoyuki Nishita: "Simulation of Interactions Between Fluids and Granular Materials with Wetting Effects," Proc. of NICOGRAPH International 2008.
Domestic conferences (Japanese)
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, 金森 由博, 西田 友是: "スライス法に基づいた効率的な髪の毛の衝突処理", Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2012.
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, 金森 由博, 西田 友是: "詳細な濡れた髪の毛のアニメーション", Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2011-6.
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, 金森 由博, 西田 友是: "ねじれを考慮した形状一致法による弾性ロッドのシミュレーション", Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2010-6.
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, 金森 由博, 西田 友是: "髪の毛同士の相互作用を考慮した詳細な髪の毛のアニメ-ション", 第72回情報処理学会全国大会, 2010-3.
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, 金森 由博, 西田 友是: "形状一致法に基づく様々なヘアスタイルの対話的シミュレーション", Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2009-6.
- Witawat Rungjiratananon, 金森 由博, 西田 友是:"吸湿現象を考慮した粒状物体と流体の相互作用シミュレーション", Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2008-6.
- Elementary and Secondary School: Montfort College, Chiangmai, Thailand
- Bachelor degree: Faculty of Computer Engineering, Chiangmai University, Thailand (2002-2006, First class honor, Gold medal)
- Master degree: Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2009
- Doctoral degree: Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2012
- Panasonic scholarship student, 2007-2009
- JSPS Fellow : 22・4748, 2010-2013