Demo Page for Java

Current Time

- Java Applets on this page are coded by Nishita(or his students) -
; interesting applets

Java Applets (in Japanese)
Basic Curves Rendering
  • Clipping & ScanConversion
  • Color Model
  • Drawing Tool
  • Drawing Tool-1
  • Bresenham algorithm
  • Clipping algorithm for line
  • Root Finder for Polynominal
  • Phong Shading Model
  • Bezier Curve
  • Bezier Surface
  • Bspline Curve
  • Spline Curve
  • Multiple Cubic Bezier Curves
  • Interpolation by Bezier Curve
  • Hidden Line removal for convex Polyhedron
  • Hidden Surface removal for convex Polyhedron
  • Shading of convex polyhedron
  • Zbuffer algorithm
  • Animation by Zbuffer
  • Raytracing for spheres
  • Raytracing for MetaBall
  • Images Fractal etc. Bezier Clipping
  • Images from our papers
  • Shifting Animation
  • 2D Fractal
  • Sky Color
  • Coch curve
  • Particle System
  • Meta-Circle
  • Delaunay Triangulation
  • Stokes Wave Simulation
  • 2D texture using Fourier Function
  • Root Finder for Polynominal
  • Curve/Line Intersection
  • Curve/Curve Intersection
  • Closest Point on 2D Curve
  • Closest point between Curves
  • Closest Point between Ray & 3D Curves
  • MetaBall
  • DataEntry of Metaballs
  • Java Applets using Bezier Clipping(in English)

    1. Root Finder for Polynominal
    2. Curve/Line Intersection
    3. Curve/Curve Intersection
    4. Closest Point on 2D Curve
    5. Closest Point on 2D Curve
    6. Closest point between Curves
    7. Closest Point on 3D Curves
    8. Rendering of MetaBalls
    9. MetaBall Editor-1
    10. MetaBall Editor-2
    11. Meta-Circles

    1. Bezier Clipping
    2. Metaball
    3. Study CG by Java Applets

    Please send your comments
    You are [an error occurred while processing this directive] th vistor (Since 1997/8/12)

    Up to : / Nishita's Lab.

    Tomoyuki Nishita, Dept. of Information Science, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113-0033,Japan