slides (pdf)
(click for enlarge)
- Real-time
Rendering of Sky with Multiple Scattering (2004)
- Shafts of Light Using a Accelerated Volume Rendering
Technique (SIG'00)
- Fast
Calculation of Sky Light (EG96)
- Shading model for
sky light
(EG'94, EG'93,
- earth
taking into account atmospheric scattering (SIG'93) (images)
- Highly Realistic Visual
Simulation of Outdoor Scene (CGI'90)
Modeling and Display
Assessment(SIG'89) - Montage : terrain
(SIG'89, PIXIM'88), The
Overlaying of The Computer Generated Image onto a Background
Photograph (SIG'86)
- Atmosphere
Scattering Considering Luminous Intensity Distribution of Light
Sources (SIG'87) (images)
- Volcanic clouds (PG'03)
,Volcanic Smoke Animation using CML (ICS'02)
- Shafts of light through smoke
(PG'00,SIG'87), hardware rendering of shafts of light(PG'00)
- Smoke Flow (PG'00)
- sky
color and cloud color taking into account atmospheric scattering (PG'96,CGI'91), clouds with multiple scattering(SIG'96)
, (images)
- Fast calculation of sky color
(PG'96) (images)
- optimal sampling for scattering (SIGa2010)
- Anti-Aliased
and Real-Time Rendering with Light Scattering (TVC07)
- Spattering
Granular Material using DEM (2004)
- Displaying Marks on Soft
Grounds (IIEE'03)
- Volcanic
Clouds as a Two Fluids Model (PG03)
- Display of dunes with wind ripples (IEICE'03)
- Shading model for Lightning (PG'01)
- Display of snow taking into
account multiple scattering (EG'97)
- Visual
Simulation of Spreading Fire (2005)

phenomena (2): clouds (16 papers)
- Fluid
Simulation Using Overlapping Grids (EG08)
- Animation
of Earth-scale Clouds (CASA06)
- Cloud
Simulation Using Adaptive Grid Method (2004)
- Animate clouds by
metaballs (VC'99)
- Cloud formation using CML(PG'01)
- clouds movement &shaft
- Simulation of Cumuliform Clouds (EG'02) (images)
- Modeling and Rendering of Clouds(PG'99) (abstract)
- Clouds Generated from Satellite
Images (PG98)
- Clouds
with Multiple Scattering (SIG96)
- Solar Promonence (IIEEJ2011) ,
Aurola (SCCG2011)
phenomena (3): Water
- point-sampled
water surfaces (TVC08)
- Particle-based
Simulation on Surface Flow (2007)
- Point-based
Rendering of Water Surfaces with Splashes (2006)
- Real-time
Rendering of Particle-based Fluid Simulation (CGI06)
- Water color taking into account
of multiple scattering ('03)
- Rendering Underwater Optical
Effects by Hardware (EG'02)
- Shafts of light &
caustics by Hardware (images)
- Skylight
for Interior Lighting Design (EG94)
- Optical effects within water
(SIG'94) (abstract) (images)
- Efficient Method for Realistic
Animation of Clouds (SIG'00) (images)
- Photorealistic Visual
SImulation of Water
- Color
of water taking into account radiative transfer (CG&CAD'91)
- Melting (CGF 2010)
for Dynamic Scenes with Light Interreflection (PG07)
- Environment
Lights for All- Frequency Relighting (2006)
- Rendering
Algorithm Using Adaptive Shadow Field (TVC06)
- Transparent
Objects and Caustics (2005)
- Caustics
from Refraction by Transparent Objects (2005)
- Quick Rendering Method using Basis Functions (EG05)
- Fast Display Method of Sky Color using Basis functions
- Glare
Generation Based on Wave Optics (PG04)
- Radiosity for Point-sampled Geometry (PG04)
- Light Scattering ('98)
- Lighting Design (EG'95)
- Lighting Simulation(ACM'93)
- radiosity for curved surfaces
- Shading models for various
types of light sources (or penumbra): curved
light source (EG'93), cylindrical
sources (CGI'92) (abstract),
penumbra due to the sun (CGI'91) ,linear
light source (Tog '85) ,spot light, area source (COMPSAC'83), polyhedral source(COMPSAC'83),
- A Lighting Model Aiming at Drive Simulators (SIG'90)
- Diffraction
and bump mapping (SIG'90)
- Objects Illuminated by Sky Light(SIG'86) (abstract) (images) ;
(COMPSAC'83) (images)
- Radiosity for polyhedra
(SIG'85) (abstract)
- Shadows for polyhedra ('73)


- Bumpmap
Shadows Taking Account of Surface Curvature (CW04)
- Rendering Curved Tubular
Objects (PG'99) (abstract)
- Fast volume rendering
method for 3D scalar field
visualization (IEEE'98) (images)
- A Display System for Bezier
Surfaces and Metaballs (PG'96) (images)
- Raytracing of metaballs(EG'94)
- Conversion from polygonal data to metaball data (EG94)
- Hidden Curve
Elimination(CGI'92) (images)
- ScanLine
Algorithm for Trimmed Bezier Patches (TVC91)
- Photorealistic Image
Syanthesis (VC'91)
- Raytracing for trimmed
Bezier surfaces (SIG'90)
- High-Quality Rendering
of Parametric Surfaces (CGI'90)
- Reliability of CG Images
- Dynamic Environment Illumination
(PG 2009)

Rendering (2) (1970-1974)
- Hidden Curve Elimination of Trimmed Patches (CGI92)
- Anti-aliasing using multiple scanlines('84),
image composition(CG&A '89) (abstract)
- Perspective Depiction of Shaded Time ('83)
- Hidden line removal
for polyhrdra('72) (images)
- Half-Toned
Representation of 3D Objects (IP'74)
- Real-time Animation of Sand-Water
Interaction (PG08)
- Anti-Aliased
and Real-Time Rendering with Light Scattering (TVC07)
- Rendering
Algorithm Using Adaptive Shadow Fields (TVC06)
- Deferred Shadowing for Real-Time
Rendering (2005)
- Real-time
Haptic Interaction with Water (2006)
- Real-Time Rendering of
Vortex Sound (EG04)
- Soap
Bubbles with Light Interference (CGI04)
- Glare Rendering
Technique (IIEE'03)
- Rendering
of Aerodynamic Sound (SIG'03)
- Sand box (PG'03)
- Marks
on Soft Grounds Created by Objects (2003)
- Refractive and Reflective
Caustics Due to Water Surfacecs (EG'03)(images)
- Atmospheric scattering('02) (images)
- Interactive Rendering of Atmospheric
Effects (2002)
- Shafts
of Light (PG'00) (images)
- Interactive Lighting
Design ('98)

- Image Magnification (PG'04)
- Blending Muletiple
Polygon (PG'03)
- Creating mosaic images (EG'02) (images)
- Topological Morphing
- Shape Interpolation
- Morphing by Curves and
Interpolation (PG'00)
- Solution to Vertex Path Problem(SIG'00)
- Morphing (PG'93)

- Virtual
Painting Knife (CGI08)
- Watercolor
Style Images (2004), Colored
Pencil Style Images (CGI05)
- Creating Various Styles of
Animations (CGI'03)
- Pen & Ink Style
(CADG'01) (images)
- Brush
Stroke using Bezier Functions (CGI93)
Font(scan conversion of curved region (images)
- Autostereograms
Taking into Account Object Colors (CW08)
- Efficient
Mesh Simplification Method (CGI'03) (abstract)
- Web Based Training System
- 3D Graphics and VRML
Libraries (IEICE'02)
- Multiresolution Streaming
Mesh (Web3D'02)
- Network-based Walk-through
System (IIEE'02)
- Adaptive solid texturing
for Web3D (PG'02) (images)
- jGL(Java
CG library)(Web3D'01)
- Applets
for CG eduacation
Human Body
- Animating Hair with Loosely Connected Particles (EG'03)
- Modeling Wrinkles on Human
Skin (PG'02)
- Modeling and Deformation of
Human Body Model('99)
- Simulating Complex Hairstyles(CGF2010)
- deformation by using B-spline
- deformation by using
parametric surface ('02)
- deformation by using
addaptive latices (CW'02)
- Free-form
deformation of meta-balls (SNI88)
- Conversion from polygonal data to metaball data
- Geometric Hermite
Approximation of Surface Patch
Intersection Curves(CAGD'91)
- Curve intersection (CAD'90)
- Surface/surface intersection (CAGD'89)
- CAD System for Transmission Tower Geometry (IEEE'87)
Computer Animation
- Intuitive
Path-based Camera Control for Dynamic Scenes (2007)
- Character
Animation Creation using Hand-drawn Sketches (TVC05)
- 3D Character Model Creation from Cel
- Animation of Water Droplet Flow(PG'96)
- list of our animation
Computational Photograpy
- Extracting
Depth and Matte Using a Color-Filtered
Aperture (SIGasia09)
- Human
Eye Depth of Field (EG07)
- Digital
Refocusing from a Single Photograph (PG07)
Reflection/Refraction on a Per-Vertex Basis (2008)
SIG: SIGGRAPH, CGI: CG International, TVC:
The Visual Computing, PG: Pacific Graphics, EG: Eurographics, CAD:
Computer Aided Design, CAGD:
Computer Aided Geometry Design, CG&A: IEEE Computer Graphics and